Stoke Bishop
Calendar Office Celebration Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Lunches Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Reception Stoke Bishop



At Stoke Bishop, through science lessons, we aim to nurture children’s natural curiosity to discover how things happen and why they work, giving them the inspiration to take whatever scientific path they desire.

We believe Science should give our children a passion to find out about natural phenomena. We aim to nurture children’s courage to discover why things happen and how things work. Science lessons instill integrity to follow methods of enquiry and investigation to stimulate creative thought. We encourage children to learn by asking scientific questions and beginning to appreciate the way in which science will affect the future on a personal, national, and global level.


Science is led and monitored by class teachers and planned using objectives from the National Curriculum skills. Skills are specified to teachers but they are given the freedom to plan and deliver lessons. Year 1 and 2 (Discoverers), Years 3 and 4 (Inventors) and Year 5 and 6 (Innovators) are all working on two year cycles to allow planning and sharing resources across the whole hub. Teachers plan the curriculum topics to fit into their overall curriculum in the best possible way.

The working scientifically skills should be incorporated into all areas of the curriculum. Allowing children to develop the skills of planning, monitoring, implementing and evaluation through investigations. Children will present their findings in a numbers of ages appropriate ways including: written reports, comic strips, posters and animations.


Assessment should be completed two times a year, to inform subject leader plans. Assessment is recorded and informed by teachers’ judgments and with the support of AFL. This include regular plicker assessments in class. Teachers should complete assessment of objectives at the end of each topic. If PPA teachers have taught a topic, they will assess and provide class teachers with this information.  Pupil surveys will take place in line with data to gather more information.

Learning Journey

An example of Year 4 pupil sharing their learning about magnets.